
Friday, July 20, 2007

Have been away from blogging for far longer than I ever planned. I have favorite blogs that I read and sure miss it when they don't post. I have not been accomplishing much in either the quilting dept. or in taking pictures. I am trying to get back on track...
I do have a lining in the frames and plan to get the batting and top pinned in sometime in the next week. It is a log cabin and going to be quilted very simply. I had planned to machine quilt it, but it is going to be a while before my Juki's desk is ready so just thought I would see how doing the quilting by hand would go.

I have also made 73 nine patches--still unsure of how I am going to arrange them. That is something else to decide. I am pretty sure they are either going to be on point, alternated with a plain block, or else put half-square triangles on each side. (Square in a square?)

My husband goes back to work light duty today we decided to take one good long drive before he has to go back. We went south to Jackson-Washington_State_Forest here in Indiana....we really enjoyed it. And being that it was still a weekday, not many people were there.

From there we went to Spring Mill State Park. This is a picture of the was quite interesting. The walls are 3-ft. order to stand the vibration from the mill wheels.