
Monday, September 17, 2007

Time passes and the kitties are growing. Fall is upon us. There is that smell and feel to the air. James W. Riley's poem, When_the_Frost_is_on_the_Punkin keeps going through my mind. At least the first line or two. I wish I did have it memorized but I don't. Another one I should have memorized is September by Helen Hunt Jackson. Until I heard the poem by Riley, this is the one that repeated through my mind over and over--and I did know more of it. It seemed to be written just for me when I worked at mom always repeated it in the fall so I grew up hearing it.

The first year I worked at this orchard was a record breaking year. If they had kept records...the trees literally had to have props under the limbs. I don't know why I didn't take the time to take my camera and take pictures. It would have to be seen to be believed. That year there were lots of Red Delicious apples as big as soft balls and maybe bigger. And the mutsu trees were still young and one apple would actually make a pie, or come very close. Two would have been too many...if I can find it I actually think I have a picture of someone's hand picking one. It was taken sometime other than the first year...after I was not such a new employee.

I almost have another quilt top together...I can't wait to get it done. It will be big enough for a queen sized bed. I should have had it done today but I had errands to run this morning and other things got me sidetracked part of the day.

My breast finally bruised--it is one ugly mess. It has been mainly purple, with that greenish yellow cast to it. My husband thinks it looks soooo sore. I feel it when I ride--not real bad unless he hits a rough spot. Then I do grab it and cringe! But just normal stuff does not seem to hurt.

I did put a lot of pictures of the kitties at my inbox_account...they are in the kitties album.