
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I have been quilting--Yeah! It is going well enough, and I do enjoy doing it. I feel that my free motion quilting isn't the greatest, but I feel it has improved and I am not real ashamed of it so far. I will just have to wait and take pictures of it because I do not know how to describe what I am doing. Nothing fancy, that is for sure. The only thing I am wondering about is if I am quilting it too close for it to be snuggly. I am hoping not because I intend for it to be used.

I did do the diagonal lines on it Sunday, then yesterday was definitely errand day for me. Cleaned up dog messes out of the back yard, ran by the bank, stopped at the post office and to Walmart and grocery...then home to unload and put away things. Followed by mowing the yard. All before noon.

In the afternoon I gave the dog a bath, cleaned up after that mess and gave myself a shower--LOL Then vacuumed and mopped, fixed supper and washed dishes. Oh, I think I did a couple loads of clothes yesterday, also.

And have not did even half that much today...did do a couple more loads of laundry and fixed supper and washed dishes. While doing laundry I contemplated the quilt but still didn't know how/what I wanted to do. Then after supper and dishes I just went down there and started. I FMQ'ed for about 2 hours....I am going to give this to a friend, but I will tell her it is part of my learning experience. She will love it anyway I think.

I am hoping to go for a drive tomorrow and planning on taking my camera. But, I had that planned for today and got up to rain so it didn't happen. I should learn not to plan too much...things have a way of happening to alter the best laid plans. I am not even sure what direction I want to many places call my name. I am even thinking about throwing my fishing rod in the back just in case I am tempted to throw my line in the water. But with all the rain I doubt if anything would be biting..