
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Brrr, baby it's cold outside!
I do not know what that line comes from, but it certainly is not original, though it does describe today. I have been out and about today. I had to run by the grocery stores...I really did not pick up a lot simply because I did not want to be outside any longer than necessary in carrying things in. And I had to return an audio book to the library...I just took everything back and got all new. I am having a hard time finding something that really holds my interest in the reading department. And I feel almost naked without it. Reading has always been as necessary for me as rain and sunshine.

But guess what? I won the mini quilt that
is giving away in honor of her 100th post! A first for me to win something like this. I have that to look forward to.

I am thinking about getting off here and at least scanning some of the retirement papers...just to get a feel for what I am facing. I have been up since before 7:00--early for me. Of course I don't normally go to bed till after 1:00 or 2:00 in the morn. I like to stay up to watch old shows on tv....

My nephew called me this afternoon--I had just been home from the grocery store a while. We had a good visit. I sure wish my kids could have been around him--I think he and my older daughter would hit it off so well. It is too bad that when you are young, you are working and involved in kid's things and we didn't seem to get the time to be together. Now, he can't get out and go other than what he absolutely has to. He cannot take the chance of falling and really getting hurt. With the muscular dystrophy, he is basically bound to his house except for trips for check-ups.

I guess I best be signing off for now...