
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm in business now!!!!!

My scanner arrived today!!!! And I think I'm in love! These are two scans from old slides...they don't have the year printed on anyone. Sometimes I did but not all the time. And sometimes they came back with month and year printed on them, but not in this instance.
Click for enlargement.
We always called these spiders writing spiders, but I think the more common name for them might be garden spider. I will try to think and look it up later, if someone doesn't tell me in the comments.
This is another scan from a dateless slide....I really had a time coming up with how I thought the photo should be rotated. I think this might be right, but not sure.
It is going to take some time for me to learn the ins and outs of scanning slides and just learning this scanner.....I could not remember which side of the slide film was the 'right' side. By the right side, I mean the side that you view it from to get the correct view. I had to hunt for a photo with a house that was familiar to me to figure it out.