
Friday, September 12, 2008

Weathered barn...

First of all, I wanted to show you what the buzzards were doing yesterday; it wasn't that there was something dead. It was that they were sunning themselves on the front/back side of the damn. I don't know what the proper term is. We were on a road on top of the damn, with the water being to one side and the vultures the other.

But back to the drive, I have went this road one other time that is a different way to get to Mansfield, Indiana but it has been years. This barn was almost at the very edge of the road. Surrounded by bushes and trees. These really don't portray the feeling it gave me, but that is hard to capture. We were talking and I was wondering what it had been for, and Roger pointed out that probably when it was built it was built to hold a lot of hay.

It just takes me back to another time when I see old barns such as this. Just think about what a job it was to build. Transporting the lumber would have probably been a big job...and it just the beginning. I wonder if the owner built it himself, maybe with the help of family, or did neighbors pitch in and help. Right now where it is located, there sure are not very many neighbors. And I always wonder how they did such a good job with the limited tools they had.