
Sunday, March 29, 2009

We had a visitor

This photo was not taken yesterday, but I still want to show it. Roger's birthday is later in the week, but we celebrated yesterday. Lorelei spent the entire afternoon here with her mommy and daddy. I really should have taken pictures, but I was so busy just enjoying her that I didn't. She slept a big lot of the time...but when she wasn't she was all eyes. Looking and looking at everything.

The cats did not pay any attention to her, but our old dog was instantly smitten with her. I have had several part collie and one full blooded collie, and I just think that is the nature of them.

It is good we celebrated was rainy yesterday, but today it has turned cold and rainy. And we have even seen snow flurries this morn. I know that flurries are all that are predicted and for that I am thankful. I am now ready for spring to come and stay. I can't wait till I can sit out in the swing with Lorelei, or take her for a stroll around the block.