
Saturday, May 30, 2009

The skies again

Sarah and Lorelei came up and spend the afternoon/evening with us. Lorelei put on a show for us, as usual. I think she is going to be a noisy little thing. She tries so hard to talk. If she isn't trying to talk to us, she is sticking her hand in her mouth. Sometimes she sticks it so far that she gags herself....and then she looks at us as if we are the ones doing something to her.

Anyway, Sarah had no more than left till she called me and told me to get my camera and go to where I could get a good view of the east. She said the clouds were amazing. After a short conversation, we hung up and I went and glanced eastward. Peaking above the trees I could see the white clouds. They just had that look that I knew I had to go.

I grabbed my camera, told Roger what I was doing and took off. These are just a sample of what I seen. I hope you will click on them to enlarge them. They are awesome.