Back in December when I was only blogging every now and then, my great nephew Jackson was born. He was born on December 1, 2009....weighing 9lb and 4 oz, and he was 20½ inches long.
Look at him now...don't you just love the photo above. He weighed 15 lb 1oz a few days ago and is now 24 inches long. He is growing like a weed...
He is always in a good mood and takes plenty of naps. You can just tell by the photo above that he is a pleasant little fellow to be around. He is will sure be a fisherman and hunter with my brother as his grandpa...well, the fishing comes from his mommy and mamaw, too, but I am not sure if his dad likes to fish or not. Truth to tell, I think almost my whole family likes to fish...
I feel like our families have been blessed beyond measure with Lorelei and Jackson. I knew I would love her, but I did not comprehend how just thinking of her could make me smile, and sometimes laugh out loud...anywhere, any time. I think I can say the same thing about Jackson's mamaw....
I am getting ready for my little toot toot to come tomorrow...Sarah says she was on the go constantly today. So I have been trying to get anything put up that she might get into. I cannot do anything with the cats though, and Sarah said she was after Diesel cat all day long today. So it will be fun tomorrow. I told Roger we best eat our wheaties to have energy to keep up with her.
I so wish it was warm enough to take her in the stroller...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thinking on things that make me happy...
I read this post earlier. It got me started thinking of all the things that make life pleasant. Of how it isn't the things money buys, although it can help. But honestly, there are things that have no price. I even think I did a post similiar to this last year...but it really does a body good to dwell on the pleasant things in life. So I am doing it anyway. And since family and friends are on everyone's list, I will assume that you know they would be at the top of my list. How could you not with all the times I post Lorelei....
Even though I have had time to think this through, I haven't. So here is my list off the top of my head...I'm attempting to do a list of ten.
1. I love the way evening light hits things...there is a glow about it that can not be reproduced. It makes even the most boring subject beautiful.
2. I love the feeling I get when I finish a quilt. (How boring is that?) I can't help is such a feeling of accomplishment..
3. I love the big puffy clouds that are dark with a silver takes me back to younger days. One of my very best friends in life and I always loved them and we always quoted the lines,
Even though I have had time to think this through, I haven't. So here is my list off the top of my head...I'm attempting to do a list of ten.
1. I love the way evening light hits things...there is a glow about it that can not be reproduced. It makes even the most boring subject beautiful.
2. I love the feeling I get when I finish a quilt. (How boring is that?) I can't help is such a feeling of accomplishment..
3. I love the big puffy clouds that are dark with a silver takes me back to younger days. One of my very best friends in life and I always loved them and we always quoted the lines,
Be still, sad heart, and cease repining
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining.....
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining.....
So any time I see that type of clouds it immediately transports me back in time.
4. I love finding new music that I love. And it is even better if a song mentions Tennessee.
5. There is nothing finer in life than to be able to sit outside in the swing and have a cup of coffee, and have breakfast out there. Or to just sit outside with Lorelei.
6. Finding ginseng. I just like to see it growing. I hunted it as a kid, to sell, to help buy school clothes. So any time I am in woods, I look for it. But I very seldom dig any...I just like to see it grow. At one time I had some growing in my yard...actually in a corner by the porch. A dog dug it up, and no I didn't get mad at her. She was a collie that had been abused...not mine, but she stayed with me here if I was home.
7. Seeing cats curled asleep ...there is just something so pleasing about that.
8. I love have a cake or brownies, still warm from the oven....with butter!
9. Wrens make me happy. Just their big happy song from such a little body. Who can resist them?
10. Finding a new author is always a joy. Or a new book by one of my favorite authors!
11. I cannot leave out smells...the smell of wood smoke, the smell of new mown hay, how it smells so fresh and new after a rain...and there are more...but need to finish...
I am sure once I publish this I will think of half a dozen things I wish I had thought of. But it is late, so I am going to click 'publish' and be done with it.
edited to add:
BTW, Betsy just gave me a new name...and Fishing Guy followed suit...but that is okay. I like Ruth just as well as I do Rose. haha
4. I love finding new music that I love. And it is even better if a song mentions Tennessee.
5. There is nothing finer in life than to be able to sit outside in the swing and have a cup of coffee, and have breakfast out there. Or to just sit outside with Lorelei.
6. Finding ginseng. I just like to see it growing. I hunted it as a kid, to sell, to help buy school clothes. So any time I am in woods, I look for it. But I very seldom dig any...I just like to see it grow. At one time I had some growing in my yard...actually in a corner by the porch. A dog dug it up, and no I didn't get mad at her. She was a collie that had been abused...not mine, but she stayed with me here if I was home.
7. Seeing cats curled asleep ...there is just something so pleasing about that.
8. I love have a cake or brownies, still warm from the oven....with butter!
9. Wrens make me happy. Just their big happy song from such a little body. Who can resist them?
10. Finding a new author is always a joy. Or a new book by one of my favorite authors!
11. I cannot leave out smells...the smell of wood smoke, the smell of new mown hay, how it smells so fresh and new after a rain...and there are more...but need to finish...
I am sure once I publish this I will think of half a dozen things I wish I had thought of. But it is late, so I am going to click 'publish' and be done with it.
edited to add:
BTW, Betsy just gave me a new name...and Fishing Guy followed suit...but that is okay. I like Ruth just as well as I do Rose. haha