
Friday, February 19, 2010

A Lorelei report

This photo is from day before yesterday....
Since I was MIA yesterday as far as blogging goes, I thought I would share the reason why. We went and got the Lorelei yesterday morn and kept her till her daddy got off work at 5:00. I did do a load of clothes while she was here, but basically chased after her all day long.

One of the first things she did when she got here was to go give her Mickey Mouse plush rocker a hug. She doesn't like to sit on him, but she likes him. She will go and turn him around and hold him by his ears up to her face...or she will sit right in front of him and just look at his eyes and nose. Sometimes she tries to hang stuff on his nose. Others she pushes him around by his rockers.

She loves it when one the cats comes up to the window on the other side and wants in...she gets right in the window and jabbers. If she is doing something else and we see one come up to the window, we can say Lorelei, look at the cat in the window. She gets to that window as quickly as she can.

She does not like to give up and take a nap, so later in the afternoon she had just been yawning, and yawning. She got her little plastic turtle out of her toys and was walking around chewing on it. She stumbled over one of her other toys and fell...she just rolled over on her back and kept laying there, chewing on the turtle and looking around. I thought sure she would fall asleep like that, but she only laid there about 10-15 minutes, looking all around, and up she got.

Not long after that she went to sleep in my lap and slept for about an hour and 20 minutes. When she woke up, she didn't know whether to be happy or to cry...just kind of grumpy. Then I said the magic words: "Look at Bubbie in Papaw's chair!" Her eyes lit up and she wanted down, went over and started jabbering to him and just smiling. She didn't pet him...just talked to him. And he just looked at her.

I have a feeling she is going to be the best friend those cats ever have...they just don't know it yet. And I told Roger a while back, I don't think I have ever seen a child that doesn't like cats. And dogs, too, for that matter.