
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yesterday and today

Yesterday we saw some beautiful homes...this one looks like it came from a fairytale almost...I will post another view or two on my other blog, Time Stand Still here shortly.

But first, a few snapshots of the Lorelei today...
in the above view our neighbor was walking over from across the street. She has met him two or three times...he is a big guy with a booming voice and she has been shy of him before, but today she had a big smile on her face. She didn't offer to go to him or anything, but he didn't keep her from doing what she wanted.
I thought you might want to see how totally absorbed she can be with sticks.
Her dad was talking to her and getting all these grins out of was hard to limit the photos to just five.
Even in the photo below, she still has a small piece of stick in her hands.
Can't you just see the gleam in her eyes!

Spring has sprung

Yesterday was just a gorgeous, beautiful that just called for a drive.We went back north again, to Williamsport, a little town we always drove through on the way to Purdue. Williamsport is the county seat of Warren County, and this is a drive by shot of the courthouse.
We also drove on north to Attica, where these flowering trees were taken. I told Roger I would like to go and park and just walk the neighborhoods and take pictures.
In the coming week I hope to show some of the house shots I took. But for right now the toot toot is here, so I am going to go play with her.