
Friday, August 13, 2010

Logansport mural

I took this photo of the Iron Horse as we drove through Logansport, Indiana....I thought it was a fantastic mural. Then, I got home and saw this post by I still like my mural but there is just something about the one she shows that is just fantastic. I am not sure what it is, unless it is maybe a slight feeling of the train really coming through that brick wall and it feels sort of futuristic.
Today has been another day of killer heat here in the Midwest. I am telling you now that I don't even like to go outside in it. I picked okra yesterday and had to pick it again this evening. I cut it up, and fried one batch for supper, and threw meal and flour in the other and made sure it was coated real good, and froze another bag of it. That will be so good come winter time. I will fix soup beans, cornbread and fried okra....there is no finer meal to be had.

I have been sitting outside a little bit after the sun goes down, sometimes just by myself, sometimes when I am talking to Neal. Even though the heat is pressing in even then, there is that certain feel to the air till you know fall is approaching. There is all the singing of the insects...I am not sure what kind of insects they are, but we hear them every summer when fall is approaching.

I have also noticed leaves are beginning to drop from certain crab apple for one.
And I have even seen a few leaves that have dropped that are gold. And on our way north, and on our way home I noticed a two trees tipped with red! I cannot remember how far north we were though.

Even though our fall promises to be a busy one, I am so looking forward to it. Days that are crisp to begin with but warm up as the sun rises higher in the sky...with big puffy clouds on some of the days at least. You know the type...the ones that make you feel like you could just go on forever. At least that is they make me feel...but instead I wish I could just freeze some of the those moments in time. But since I can't, I at least look forward to capturing some in pixels.

Until then, I will keep plugging away and trying to enjoy the moments as they come.