
Sunday, January 23, 2011

My 1000th post.....

I thought about posting a photo from the past, but just decided to post this one. It is the type that makes me want to sit and think about the past....

I just happened to notice that my last post was the 999th post! My first post was may 31, 2007....most times I don't even notice the day to remark about it on my just wanted to point out that this is my 1000th post.

When I started, I had no idea if I would do it for even a month, let alone for years. Roger was still working when I first started it. I cannot remember how long I had started it before I told any of my family about it....I did not even tell Roger. Not one soul did I tell. I was afraid they would read it and afraid they wouldn't at the same time!

Now that they know, some of them read it on a fairly regular basis...some never even look at it. I do love knowing that some of them take the time to read it...they usually give me feedback in the form of emails. I don't know if they can even imagine how much I appreciate them. And I love getting comments in general.

In looking back, I realize just how many major things have happened. I don't even know where to begin. Roger retired, I had to have a biopsy to check for breast cancer, which turned out negative, oldest daughter got divorced, youngest daughter and husband bought their first home, Lorelei was born, youngest daughter moved a couple hours away, and oldest daughter moved clear across the country for a job I think she loves and that is very interesting, youngest daughter had two major surgeries....

Roger has finally got the time and most of the tools he needs to make knives...and has made several since retiring. I have had time to make a few quilts. And I have taken more pictures in these few years than all the ones put together up until the point I started my blog. In the search for photos, we have started seeing bald eagles. Not a lot, but more than I ever thought I would see in my lifetime. And we have went down roads we would never would have traveled otherwise.

I got my Cougar and Puss Puss after starting the blog...and later inherited Bubbie and Mama Cat. Sarah took her dog home to live with her after they bought their first house. Just in the past year both her dog and our old dog, Shelby have crossed the rainbow bridge.

These are just a few of the things that have happened...I am sure I am forgetting things. Probably serious things. If I think of more...I may do another post...

It is just amazing to look back and think of all the living that has been done in these few years.