
Thursday, September 22, 2011


We had to run to Walmart last night. We decided to run through the strip pits first....not much was moving except grasshoppers. I stopped to get a picture and Roger pecked on the window. The praying mantis had landed on the windshield.

The photo below is from when Mary and I were out there...the yellow flowers were and are just everywhere. They are so bright and cheerful.

But seems I just cannot capture all their glory.
I am trying to sew a little...I actually made a sample quilt sandwich yesterday and quilted my first fleur de was not too bad. It could have been better of course, but but was not as bad as I was afraid it would be. So, I proceeded to mark a few on the actual quilt. The first three were along the edge of the quilt and not too bad.

Then I did two more late...I decided to quit till I was not so tired. Just a little bit disappointed in those but hoping once it is washed that they don't look so bad.

And all the time I was trying to mark them, Puss Puss was trying her best to help. All my quilts are Kitty Tested, Cat Approved.