
Sunday, November 20, 2011


Tip:  The other day a friend wrote me that she was having trouble viewing the image of the scanned plover story.   So I told her to right click on the image, and then click to view in a new tab or view in a new window. She then made the comment in my comments about it working, and from the result I saw that that was a new tip for some.

But, this not only works with pictures in blogger, if you are shopping on line, reading an article with a link somewhere else, and get tired of going back and forth between windows and having to wait for one to reload, you can always right click on any link, and click to view in another tab or another window.  If you have a slower internet connection, or a page has a lot of images to reload when you go back to it, this can really save time.
Since I keep talking about the 4-patches I have been making, I went down and took a few pictures..and yes you can right click and chose to view in a new window or tab if you want to see the full sized image.
I think I have made 112 of them so far....they are 4 inch unfinished.  I was making them to be 4½ inches, but was trying out a new pressure foot on my machine.

And though it is really operator error, enough of them were just a couple or three threads under the 4½ inches till I cut them all down to just 4 inches square..

I have been playing and playing with my computer program, called Electric Quilt 6, or commonly called EQ.  It allows me to play with quilts before I ever even touch fabric.  But I am more apt to go down and start making a bunch of quilt blocks, then come up to play with the quilt program to decide how I want to arrange them.

I started out using scraps of fabric left over from other projects, but have also been adding a few others.  I started out cutting 2½ inch squares from the scraps...I cut and cut and cut.  For each 4-patch it takes four of the little squares, and that makes over 400 I have cut just for the finished 4-patches.

This is some that I still have to sew together.  And who knows, I may end up cutting out more s2½ in. squares...
It is rainy and dark and dreary here....just the perfect day to go down and sew.  The cats are all quiet, but you can bet money that Bubbie had me up before daylight.  I wish you could feel just how heavy he feels when he walks on me in the wee hours of the actually hurts enough till I am sort of amazed that I am not bruised.