
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Not the greatest photo...

Edited to add: Mary just informed me that this is a Blue Grosbeak...thank you Mary!

This sure could have been a better photo, but still considered myself lucky to get it. I see these indigo buntings quite often, but they usually never let me get even half way close enough to get a shot.
It is another beautiful day here in the Wabash Valley....I have not got any plans set. I need to do a bit normal household chores but that is the last thing I want to do. I had rather be outside. But I will take the time to do a few things till I won't feel guilty.

I wonder, does anyone else feel guilty about things they do or do not do? I feel guilty over so much stuff, and none of it really bad things. Such as I took off yesterday even and went for a little drive plus a little fishing...and got to thinking I should have stayed home and taken care of things here.

But the house will need to be vacuumed the day I die...and there will probably be dirty dishes...and laundry to be done.