
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

All right in my world....

I don't know why, but it always amazes me how much Lorelei being here changes me.  It is definitely a feeling of all is right with the world.  Whether she is right with me, or whether she is playing with Papaw or by herself, just hearing her footsteps and hearing her chatter is wonderful.

I remember enjoying my kids when they were little, and they gave us a lot of joy, but back then, I guess with Roger working, I always felt the pressure to get things done.  Now things can just wait or not--whatever is handiest to do.

She was playing with the point & shoot camera above...actually took some decent pictures till the idea to be funny struck...then she took several like this.
Raining lightly off and on here today.  Supposed to have thunderstorms tonight.  And maybe up to 1.5 inches of rain.  That will be wonderful as we are still short from the drought last year.  As warm as it is, I can see having thunderstorms, but sure don't remember having many this time of year.

Another thing I am anxious for spring for is to be able to hang clothes outside.  If it wasn't misting rain off and on today, it was warm enough to hang outside.  but it mists a little bit every so often.

Well, I best get off...I do have laundry going and I might sneak in a line or two of sewing.