
Saturday, February 2, 2013

This little house...and I do believe at one time it was a sits in a pasture.  Maybe it was never a house, but I sure felt that it was.  But it was on a curve and this  is only a quick snap.  Over in Illinois.
We got maybe two inches of snow last night...and may get a bit more.  Not sure if it will amount to much.  It is cold, but sure doesn't feel as bitter cold as it has felt the previous days.

We ran to Terre Haute today...had to go by Joann Fabrics.  I needed a batting for a quilt.  And I picked up a couple pieces of fabric.  From there I had Roger drop me at Best Buy while he ran on to Gander Mountain.  Best Buy didn't have a mouse I liked, so walked on to Gander Mountain...and from there to Staples.

I got a Logitech mouse, but not crazy about it.  The scroll wheel on my old one only worked about half the time and after being used to it, it annoyed me to no end when I would be scrolling and it would stop.  This old mouse was I don't know how old...was a Microsoft and I liked the feel of how things worked.  I would have got another Microsoft, but the buttons were arranged in a way that I just didn't like...the buttons for either going back or forward...had one on each side and I am so used to them both being clicked by my thumb.  I figured I would just be grumbling if I got something different.

Anyway, was totally worn out when we got home and have not did one single thing worth telling about.  So I guess that is the way the day is going to end...