
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A busy life....

These are from a little drive we took Sunday...

an Amish place....

I look at all of this and think how busy they must be.  Even though one of my blog friends, Judy has mentioned maple syrup and the fact they still have to tap their trees,  I had not even thought about that it has started around here.

That is a trailer in the will eventually be replaced by a frame home. At least at the other places I have seen them, they have always gotten replaced.
I have been busy around here, too...went to daughter's for Lorelei's birthday party this past weekend.  She had a ball...with her it is the more the merrier.  We were telling her the night before that the quicker she went to bed, the quicker the next day would come...she told us something along the lines of yes, I will go to bed now and wake up in the morning refreshed!  I have no idea where she heard that word, much less learned to use it correctly.

I got my crumb quilt top finished last week, made the backing the other day....for the life of me I cannot remember if it was before we went to Sarah's or after we came home.  Doesn't matter anyway, except it bothers me how I forget simple things like that.

Yesterday, I went down and looked through my fabrics and chose one to make the binding, and got it made, I got the backing ironed, and even got the backing, batting, and top layered, and pin-basted and Roger carried it back down to the basement and awaits the quilting.  It is going to be simple quilting...and not to heavily quilted if I can control myself.  Now if I can just get started on it...