
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Not so hot drive-bys

We see this house as we come home from visiting Lorelei.  We don't actually pass by it normally...we see it down the road but we turn the other direction.  When we met them at the park the last time we were over there, we drove past it.  There is no place to pull off, and no way to focus on it much before hand.
So even though these are not the greatest, they will probably be about as good as I can ever get.  I want to encourage you to click to view the expanded version.  This is some house! Just look at all there is to see.
I don't think it has completely quit raining this whole day.  Part of the time it might have been a fine mist, but still, it was doing something.  It has also cooled down a little bit. When we were out today I did have to wear a jacket.

My tulips are blooming, but I did not get out to try to take photos, though I did mean to.  It just didn't happen.  Our yard really needs to be mown.   And won't be long till we will thinking about going to the green house for plants....well, it will be a little while.  But it is just around the corner!

Since it is going to be a while

Since it is going to be a while before I can take good pics of the finished baby quilt, I will show it to you before the binding it on...and then when I get it washed, I will take more pics and show a pic then.

I never give a quilt away without washing it first.  I used to have a fear one would fall apart, then I realized that was crazy cause I use good construction methods when I sew.  But the other thing, I want to wash them first time and throw in a Shout Color Catcher in case anything bleeds.  Some quilters always wash their fabric first thing...before making anything.  But I prefer not to...I like working with new fabric.  I also like the way the shrinkage makes the quilt look after it is washed.
It is raining off and on this far nothing really hard.  Last night it just poured for a while--it was actually wonderful to here.  I think we have made up for last summer and am just hoping we don't have another like it.

I just realized yesterday that I had not mentioned having breakfast on the front porch...we have actually eaten out there a time or two already.  It is just wonderful to be able to sit out there.  And we sat out there with Lorelei last weekend.  Of course she never just sits, but that is fine.  She never just sits...always doing something.

Well, we are headed to Paris in a few minutes....Paris, Illinois that is.  So going to post this and be done with it.