
Sunday, July 7, 2013


I was sitting here the other day, looking at all the solid colored fabrics at Thousands of Bolts,  and picking out some I would like to have.  I had to go down in the basement for something.  Knowing that I pick up a half yard of solid colored fabrics every now and then, I thought I would do a quick round up of what I have.  I was pleasantly surprised to see all the ones above.

Now, the trick will be to work up my nerve to work with them.   I am just not sure what I want to do with them.   Do I want to do something in traditional Amish style...I do have a couple yards of black fabric not pictured here.  Or do I want to do something in the modern/art quilt style...some along the lines of these.

My husband doesn't care for modern/art quilts like this, but I like studying them and figuring out how they were sewn together.  I would be happy if I could make myself make something small.

I really should go for some small things...if you walked into my house, you might not even notice that I am a quilter.  I have one small quilt hanging up for show, and I have out a couple or three that we use to snuggle under of an evening..but I have room to hang more if I would get busy.

From Friday ...

Lorelei has a hard time keeping a straight face if she sees a camera...
She is either trying to look mean...
Making crazy/squishy faces...
but every now and then...
we get a more normal capture...and I have one more posted over at Time Stand Still.