
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Great Blue Heron and Bald Eagle

I posted one pic of this GBH over at Time Stand Still...thought I would show this other one just amazes me every time I see them perched in a tree.   I saw him while fishing at Mansfield--he was at the base of the dam the whole time till he flew up right behind me.
Now look close at this might even need to enlarge it to see.  The other thing that watched me fish was this fellow here.  I kept watching for an eagle to be soaring overhead and happened to glance up the creek just in time to see him fly up from below and perch there.  He was there a big part of the time I was there, and was there when I left. 

I could not get any closer to him...he was on the far side of the creek and on up past the dam.  It always amazes me to see them...always improves any day to spot one. If I had not seen him fly up, from below, I would never have spotted him.  He just blended in with the background.  (The photo above is even a cropped version of the original.)
It is raining and thundering here this morn.  And warm compared to the past few days.  It is even supposed to get up into the 80's for today.  Showers are in the forecast for today and tomorrow.  I am hoping this improves the chances for nice autumn colors.  I was afraid it was going to be so dry that the change would not last long.