
Tuesday, October 29, 2013


This old stove was at the Veedersburg flea market.  I have never seen one quite like this. I do not know why I didn't take a photo from the end.  Well, I know, but it is no excuse.

We did not make it up there till late in the day on the last day it was open.  We were trying to hurry through and not miss any of the booths still there...some had already left.    And others were packing up.

Notice the name Acme Wildwood on the side...I can not see or hear the word Acme without I am back in grade school and it is Saturday morning and I am glued to the TV watching the Road Runner show.  (Only in winter were we clued to the TV on a Sat. summer, we were either playing or had work to do.)

Did anyone else enjoy  it as much as we did...all of us loved it.  And Neal and I still laugh about it. 

And remember how when we were kids, there were cartoons on Saturday mornings, and on most evenings there was either a half hour or hour of them...and we thought we were so lucky to have that much. We would never have imagined having TV channels just for kids all day long.