
Friday, November 8, 2013

Random 5

It is time for Friday's Random 5...I have remembered it two weeks in a row now!

I don't know how everyone else does their Random 5...but I use random thoughts from the week.  I have to write them down, or else I forget them. So sometimes I have them already to paste into blogger, others I have to think of one or two.  Today, I have them all, plus a bonus!

 1.  One positive thing about winter for me, it makes it easier for me to stay inside and sew.  When it is nice outside, I like to be out, or at least upstairs where I can see the sunshine.  I keep thinking I need to have a sewing table to set up on the porch so I can sew outside in nicer weather.

2.  I have problems remembering things fully.  I remember just enough bits and pieces of things to drive myself crazy trying to remember the whole story.

3.  I had a lot of nicknames when I was in grade school.  Two I will not tell.  The rest I loved and was right proud of...Spider, Cricket, Roadrunner, Briar Patch.  Not sure what that says about me that I loved them...but I did.  I suppose it was who gave them to me that made me like them....though I am not really sure who started the thing of calling me Roadrunner.  But it was because I made a made dash out the door, soon as we were dismissed from school of the evening. 

4.  Can I say that I am having a real hard time making myself do anything.  Not even things I want to do.  Whether it is things I just want to do or things I need to do, there are so many I have a hard time making a decision what I want to do first.

5.  I always either watch something on Netflix or something from YouTube...almost every single night.  In fact, I usually watch till I fall asleep while watching.  If I watch Netflix, it is usually some mystery with British characters...or an episode of All Creatures Great and Small.  If I watch YouTube, it is quilt related videos 90% of the time.

Bonus:  Roger still calls Lorelei 'the baby' when talking about her.  I told him the other day, by the time she is 16, she is not going to like being called the baby.  But in reality, knowing her and her love for her Papaw, she probably won't mind it coming from him.
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