
Monday, July 14, 2014

Leftovers--in the quilting world

Often us quilters make and or cut extra blocks....specially when we have no end result in mind.  Well, these blocks used in this are leftovers from this quilt top.  So, while trying to decide on a backing for that quilt top and the last crumb top I made, I had the urge to sew.   So, sat down and started sewing these blocks together.  I did make 4 or 5 more of the little crumb blocks to have enough to alter with the plain fabric square.
I have had it quilted and the binding sewn down by machine for at least a week, maybe more.  So the past couple nights, I did the hand stitching part of the binding.  I have not measured since quilting, but this is only about 20-21 inches square.

Roger likes the quilting on the back about as much as he likes the front.  I quilted it on my Juki Exceed F600.
I am in the process of pin basting a quilt right now.  Or at least ready to start.  I have all the layers stretched and pinned to the the real fun begins.  NOT.  Roger did help me get things stretched and pinned, or at least the backing and then helped me spread the batting and the top.  I wanted to do the pinning of the top.

For at least the next 2 or 3 hours, I will be on my elbows and knees, using curved safety pins like these.   The quilt top is approximately 70-72 inches, so going to take a lot of pins.  I have tried spreading a the layers of a 52 inch square top on my 30 x 60 folding cutting table and using binder clamps to keep it stretched but it just does not do as good.

Anyway, its back to work for me...