
Thursday, September 18, 2014

More knives by Roger

This first one is made to be a working knife.  He bought one of those big rubber mats that are for horses to stand on a year or two ago.  I don't remember why.  Anyway, the handle is made from that material.
It went home with our nephew on Saturday.
The dollar is there to show the size of the knife/blade.  It is something most of us are familiar with.
This is his other reminds me of fact, I would not have minded keeping it either.  But I thought that might be a little selfish of me.
Those little groves in the tops of the blade is a place to place your thumb...kind of gives it a grip that won't slide off so easy.  And there is a term for the way the tip of the knife is done, and for the life of me I cannot remember what it is called.  And if you look at the first picture of this knife, there is a little place on the sharp side of the blade...a little grove if you will.  That is just for looks as far as a I know.  Some knives have it and others done.
The handle is from an antler...that slight curve feels very good in the hand.
Again, to give an idea of the size.  This one went home with my brother...the grandpa of Jackson.  Also he grew that 72 lb watermelon.