
Thursday, January 15, 2015

A little willy-nilly!

It is that time of the week...Willy Nilly Friday 5 over at Tanya's Around Roanoke starts tomorrow.  It is one of my favorite memes.  Love reading what others have to tell...and it gives me an excuse to post random thoughts.  So here goes...

1.  During the three months I was away from blogging, I did manage to make this quilt top.  I also have the backing made, and I have batting...and I have thread for the quilting ordered.  Other than this, I did very little sewing.  There were weeks I did not even touch my sewing machine.  That is very unusual for me.

2.  My kitties did not like the cold.  They stayed inside and hardly even asked to go out.   And Bubbie has spent a lot of time snoozing his life away!

3.  I have been in a puzzle working mood...jigsaw puzzles.  I have worked 4 or 5 during the past 4 weeks or so, with the one below being the hardest.

Have any of you ever worked a photo mosaic puzzle?  This one is my third and I have a couple more waiting.

4.  We are planning on seeing Lorelei this weekend if nothing happens.  I cannot wait...was at Wally World today and picked up a little dress for her.  She prefers dresses...she does not like jeans at all.  Nor anything that fits at all snug.

5.  How many books do you have on your kindle/eReader?    Or do you just get them as you read them?  I have probably at least a thousand...most I got free.  And I still check out ebooks from the library.  And I bet I have read at least 200 since I got it a couple years ago, and they have been removed from the device.  Plus the ones I have read from the library.

Well that is my five...I am going to try to get linked to the meme.  I will eventually get everyone visited, but will tell right now that Roger is not feeling good at all.  Started Monday.  He had felt a bit better yesterday evening, but has never perked up today.  Thought at first it was just the flu making a reappearance, but not so sure right now.  I am hoping to get him in to the doctor tomorrow or if not, will probably go to the ER.