
Friday, February 20, 2015

Feeling sunny here

Even though it is cold here, and we are supposed to get from 3-6 inches of snow, feeling pretty good here.  Roger's test did not show anything wrong...have one biopsy to wait for, but the doctor felt pretty sure that it was not cancer.  So we are pretty much feeling relaxed tonight.

The cats are all snuggled in trying to stay warm.  Bubbie still goes out once or twice a day, but is only out for a very few minutes before he wants back in.  I feel sorry for anyone or anything that has to be out in this cold weather. 

Again, it makes me wonder how the early settlers survived.  Just think of all they didn't have, even just in the warmer clothing that we have.  Warmer shoes.  Waterproof.  Materials that dry quicker.  I am not going to go on and on.  These thoughts just always cross my mind at times like this.

We are watching this show about owls.  This is only a short clip...I wish it was the entire show.  It is so interesting to watch.  

Well, just wanted to let everyone know that things looked good today.  Will try to finish catching up on my visiting tonight and tomorrow.

Oh, one additional thing...thanks to all who admitted they look in lighted windows at night.  I had always wondered if I were the only one.  I don't think Roger even thinks about making an effort to look in...I guess it is a woman thing.