
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Last post for a while...

We will be having a house-guest for the next couple of weeks...Lorelei!  Not sure what day she will come, but I have things to do.  I may pop in and do a post here and there, or I may not.  Maybe by the time I get back to blogging we will have blossoms of some sort from this year. 

Hopefully I will get some pics of her while she is here.  I picked up a new coloring book, crayons, and one of the little potholder looms, today.  You know they kind that has the stretchy nylon loops.  Not very useful as a potholder but thinking she might enjoy making some.

Last week when we were at her house I discovered something else she likes to watch on TV--How Its Made.  Does anyone else watch it?  I always find it fascinating to watch how things are manufactured.  But it always leaves me wondering who came up with all the 'machines' that does so much of the work automatically.  And who works on them....

I will visit some I am sure...and will let you know when I get back to blogging regularly.