
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Old dishes

These were some pretty dishes we seen at the flea market...there was a whole set...the guy said he would give them to me for a good price.  But I have no room for them.

I have been trying to declutter for the past year or more.  I have been doing it in fits and starts.  I told another blogger that it would help a great deal if I could miss it when we hauled a truckload of stuff away.  And that is about the truth.

I worked in the old garage-catchall place last summer and we can actually tell that I got rid of a lot of stuff from there.  But I have probably gotten rid of more stuff from within the house and we don't miss a thing.

I don't think I have hung on to any clothing items in the hopes of losing enough weight to fit into them again.  I have gotten rid of extra pots and pans.  I have thinned out the books till I just cannot part with any that I have left.  Well, if someone wanted to buy some of my quilting books, I could part with a few of them that way.

I have years and years of collections of quilt magazines....I even have a few years' worth of Quilter's Newsletters that were my mom's....and my mom passed away in 1996.  They are a last memory of her sort of...when we would go home every summer, I always sat and looked through them when we sat and visited.

I haven't gotten rid of anything in weeks...maybe I should get busy with it again.

Edited to add:  We were gone for a couple days and I got posts up and ready to post over at Time Stand Still and I put this post  up...kind of as a joke and kind of we were having some hot humid weather and the photo did look appealing. However the joke is on me...I think the high today was 52ºF....and it was windy and too cold to be outside for long without a jacket.

Don't you love that smile?

This was sent to me a week or two ago...I don't know why I haven't posted it.  
We had to go to Indy to be there to get Lorelei off to school this morn and to get her off the bus this evening.  Both her mom and dad were away for training...her dad had had to spend the night away.  Was she ever happy when he got home this evening.