
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sweet and spicy

This Asiatic lily has this sweet, spicy strong it almost makes Roger sick to smell it.
I only have this one in this color...I think it had 15 blossoms on it.
Lorelei had a dental appointment yesterday afternoon and Sarah said she talked up a storm with the dentist!  Jeremy took her by to see Sarah at work afterwards and she walked over to one of her co-workers and talked her ears off.
First thing this morn, well, after I got dressed, I did go down and get some more quilt pieces cut.  Still several to go.  But was a good thing I did it before the day started.  I had no  energy left at the end of the day.

We had another box collection going in the garage...I got busy this morn and got them all broke down and stuffed within a big box.

I always start out just intending to save a few to have for mailing items.  Then I end up keeping them all instead of breaking them down as they come in.  I told Roger we will probably need one before the week is out to mail something.

We got our little yard mowed--and then late this evening I got one of my flowerbeds weeded..I am so glad none of you could see it.  It was a mess...I don't know why I delayed doing it.

All in all, was a wonderful day...always feel good when I get something done.