Sunday, September 13, 2015
Fun times....
First of all, I have been absent from the internet since late Friday evening....the 'new to me' modem they sent just last weekend totally quit. They sent a guy out here this morn, he ran a test on the line outside and knew by that that it was the modem. He did come in and run some tests on it to be sure. He was so apologetic because he did not have a modem to replace it with....he was from another town and said they used to let them carry extra modems but had stopped. So he apologized several times, and we are telling him he can only do what he could do.
So, he told me to call the support back and what to tell them and have them ship me a new modem. He left, only to come back in and tell us he was going to go up to the office here, and see if they had one that would work laying around. And that he would be back within ten minutes or so. So he left, but was back in about 3 minutes at the most. I thought sure that he had not even been able to get in, but instead he had run into one of the local guys and this guy had a modem. So he came back and hooked it up and we are good to go once more.
Now to the subject at hand...FYI, this is Jackson, one of Lorelei's cousins.
We had a family picnic yesterday--just us brothers and sisters that could make it. And our kids and grandkids.
Well, Lorelei's little cousin, Jackson, from Tennessee came with his mom and dad and his Mamaw and Pap--he calls my brother Pap instead of Grandpa or Pappaw.
Talk about having a good time...they really enjoyed playing being together.
You can just tell from the look at their faces....I bet if they were together all the time that it would be a sight at what they would think of to do.
Here is one last photo of Lo.
It is cropped from a bigger picture...