
Saturday, April 16, 2016

A bit of cuteness for my last post...

This will be my last post for a while..I am too distracted to do much of anything right now.  So have decided to take a break from blogging for a while.  I can never decide if it is good for me to have to try to focus on it, or if it would make things easier to break from it.

Friday, April 8, 2016

A bit of randomness

It is time for a bit of randomness.

1.  First a new Simon's Cat video:

2.  This post has one of my all time favorite tree is the combination of the tree /atmosphere/lighting.

3. I was a happy camper a couple weeks ago when I found Amazon had finally made Sod & Stubble:  The Story of a Kansas Homestead  by John Ise available in kindle format.  Even though I have a hard copy, I bought it too quick to talk about and have now read it once again.

4.  We are thankful for good neighbors.  When Roger went to mow the yard last weekend, he discovered a flat.  Actually two flats.  The back one would not stay inflated.  The neighbor saw he was having trouble.  He has a tool to take the tires off the they did that and discovered the tired was separating.  We just got all new tires....and Tom helped get the other tires off and the new ones on.  We won't go into details about how it would start but not go in gear...or so he thought.  Roger left it for that night, but the next morning here came Tom again.  That is what you call good neighbors.

5.  I started with a bit of comedy and I will leave with a bit of comedy:

Hap Shaughnessy reminds me of a few characters I have know.  While they frustrated me, he makes me laugh.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Can't believe it

I can't believe Merle Haggard passed away today...actually, it was yesterday.  It is past midnight as I type this.  I just have to put a few of my favorite songs from his early years here.

I'm A Lonesome Fugitive was the first song of his that I loved.  I was around 10 or the time.  I liked the regular 'rock' or pop songs then, but I LOVED Merle's songs.

There was Pride in What I Am...also on that album was also one of my very favorites of his:

I don't think it was ever a hit, but I still love it as much today as I did back then.

Just a couple more....

I have to include Pancho and Lefty....Merle and Willie.  I have never been a great fan of Willie but I do love this one! 


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Digging through the archives...

The other day when we went to Rockville, I had Roger take the back roads in hopes that these guys would be down by the road...
I could not even say for sure if they were there or not.  But they are friendlies...this was taken in April of 2011 and we were by a couple or three days later, and they were up close to the fence.  And were glad for a pet.
I would have loved for Lorelei to get to pet these soft noses.  If I remember correctly, they were interested in companionship and a nice rub, rather than wanting a treat.  Though if I went back and knew for sure I was heading that way, I would love to have a snack of some kind to take.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

From the Heron Viewing Station

This pair of geese were the first to greet us at the Heron County Park...north of Danville, Illinois.

Next we spotted this pair.  They were quite a distance away.

The photos are a bit bleary.

We had to use the binoculars and spotting scope to identify them.   I took these with my little Canon SX700 HS at full zoom.  Before I could put it away and get my other camera situated, they took off, and one came right over us and tried to nab something from the water  maybe a hundred yards from us.  I couldn't believe it, couldn't react quick enough to get a picture.  There were ducks and geese there, but I somehow felt it was after fish.  And Lorelei got to see it all.

All the time we were seeing a heron or two fly in or leave, plus other waterbirds in the distance.

Finally, a heron close enough to get a half decent shot.

And Lorelei found this goose fascinating...I had to show her daddy a pic of it when he came to get her....

Friday, April 1, 2016

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away....

And she is gone home is all quiet on the northern front.  It is not that she is loud, but we do miss her presence.  I think the whole house misses it.

Wednesday she planned to go home Thursday night, but she changed her mind.  She told me this morn that she liked having someone to sleep with...LOL  (She and I always sleep in the spare bed.)

We took her the Heron Viewing Station on Wednesday, and she so wanted to take backroads.  But there is just no good way to do that.  But at least we know she loves backroads driving.  As I told over on here on my other blog, she found her new favorite road when we went the back way to Mansfield on Tuesday.

At the viewing station we saw a few geese, herons--plus we could see the heron rookery from the parking lot and she got to look at them through the binoculars and spotting scope., plus we saw two eagles.  I will be showing pics from there later.

We had taken fried bologna sandwiches and chips and water, to have a picnic.  Before we got all around the boardwalk it started raining, so we had to rush to the car.  We just sat in it and had our picnic and she loved even that.  Just the simplest things can keep her happy.