
Friday, April 1, 2016

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away....

And she is gone home is all quiet on the northern front.  It is not that she is loud, but we do miss her presence.  I think the whole house misses it.

Wednesday she planned to go home Thursday night, but she changed her mind.  She told me this morn that she liked having someone to sleep with...LOL  (She and I always sleep in the spare bed.)

We took her the Heron Viewing Station on Wednesday, and she so wanted to take backroads.  But there is just no good way to do that.  But at least we know she loves backroads driving.  As I told over on here on my other blog, she found her new favorite road when we went the back way to Mansfield on Tuesday.

At the viewing station we saw a few geese, herons--plus we could see the heron rookery from the parking lot and she got to look at them through the binoculars and spotting scope., plus we saw two eagles.  I will be showing pics from there later.

We had taken fried bologna sandwiches and chips and water, to have a picnic.  Before we got all around the boardwalk it started raining, so we had to rush to the car.  We just sat in it and had our picnic and she loved even that.  Just the simplest things can keep her happy.