
Thursday, February 2, 2017


I am so thankful that I had the privilege of growing up one time or another I have played, or hiked, or hunted ginseng over all the places in these photos.  Except for the mountain that is on the  right side in the photo above...the one that is a bit the tallest.  I am not sure about it...but pretty positive I am looking at this right.

This is a view that is to the right of the top photo..those ridges are actually much closer to home and I/we were on all of them.  I can remember taking my dogs and being on top of them...just to be out and about. 

I am very thankful that Roger got to start his allergy shots yesterday.

Linking to Michelle's Thankful Thursday

February shots through the years...

I decided to see if I had taken any photos on February 1...surprise of surprises, I had a few.

There was a bit of snow on February 1, 2008....

Again in 2009....notice the snow in the background here.  And not just a was a big snow.

The above is not from Feb 1, but from the Feb 5, 2010.

Now this ice is from February 1, 2011....

And this is the photo that triggered the hunt for February 1 shots...taken in 2012.

This is the one and only photo from Feb 1, 2013...

The Big White Dog was my first shot of Feb in 2014, on Feb 5 to be exact.

This one is from February 2, 2015....

And here you have February 4, appears to have much the same weather we have this day.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of February.