
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

For Thankful Thursday

I know it is Wednesday but while I am thinking about it, I am going to post what I am thankful for this week.  I am so thankful Lorelei got to spend the night last night.  It has been a while since she had got to spend the night so was wonderful to have her here.

She was on a roll last night...she had one poem and for the life of me I cannot remember half the lines but last night I could say it right along with her.  I asked if she had had to memorize, no teacher made her.  She said she went back to it and read...5 times...and it was stuck in her head. 

Anyway, I take it as sign she is going to like poetry...and she was trying to come up with some poetry of her on as we went to sleep.

Linking to Thankful Thursday.