
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Resevoir Cats

I am reading Reservoir Cats, True Tales and Cat's Eye Views  from Squirt, by Pamela Ashworth.  It is written as if Squirt the cat is telling the is just a piece of lighthearted fun to read.  He is the runt of the litter and to make sure he is not chosen to go to a new home, he half starves himself till no one will choose him.

When the other kitties have new homes and he knows he is going to stay home with his mother and the Staff as he calls the owners, he writes:
They really don't know what they have let themselves in for,
Soon it will be time to let my inner lunatic run free.

I don't know why, but that just struck me so funny.   Just what I needed to lighten the day.

Not much of a post

This will not be much of a post, but better a small one than nothing at all.  I got the blocks all sewn together last week, but still have not started on the borders.

Lorelei is sleeping beside me...we were out about midnight looking for Mr. Toad.  No luck there.   She and I have the hardest time getting to bed at an early hour...her mom was the same way.  We do better when she is in school.
My grand-dog Delta caught her second shrew last night.  She caught one last week or the week before and ate it before her mom could get to her and get it.

Last night when she got tired of it biting her she decided to roll on it!  Her mom got her inside before it went too far and disposed of it later.
Did you ever have something hit you like a ton of bricks?  When Sandra's Bob had his stroke the other day, I was on facebook more than I am on in a month.  I just wanted to know what was going on.

I went back in this blog reading some of what I wrote with Roger's stroke and I just had to stop.  I have thought I would write more about how things are, but I find that it is better to not think too deep.

I am not even sure what I am trying to say....maybe that it has been a rough week or two or three.  In more ways than one.  I have had a couple or three other things really get to me...but I have to learn to live with things and just accept them as they are.