
Thursday, May 10, 2018

A little update on me

I am now putting Prisma on the wound instead of is definitely getting smaller.  That white around the edge is the Prisma which is a collagen.

I am currently allowed to wear my boot for two hours at a time, twice a day...and day after tomorrow I can see how I do wearing it three hours at time twice a day.

Yesterday I was in it three hours, and was not good.  But no bad side effects...just really weary.  my daughter took me to a quilt shop and was in there a good while.  LOL

It does feel wonderful to be on my feet more.  I can go outside with the help of Roger to get down the steps.  And I walk around out there a little bit.  I am trying to wait till the sun goes down till it will be a little cooler.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Shooting against the sun did not yield the greatest result, but I am posting it anyway.

This is better, but it was a good distance away.  Different hawk of course.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Photo from Lorelei....

Lorelei went to St. Louis for spring break...her aunt took her to an orchid show at the botanical gardens which she really enjoyed.  She sent me several photos she took with her phone.  I did crop them a tiny bit but just to be working with familiar 3:2 ratio..

  I would have liked to go to this myself....and that was the plans till I had my accident....

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Still healing...

The above photo was from Mar 6.....the photo below is from today.  So even though it is still not a pretty site, it is improving.

It has been slow going...we first found the fracture blisters on Feb 21 when I had to go to the ER because I was running a fever.  I have been going weekly to the wound care doctor since the last week of February.