
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Things are really looking up...

First of all, I had a couple comments asking how I was doing, but did not see them till this week.  I had every intention of replying either by this post, or by responding on your blog.  I am so sorry I did not get it done till now.  I had heard something about no notifications when we get comments, but had not thought of it in relation to my blog since I had not posted...I just happened to go there and find them.

Anyway, nothing like a little bling...actually they are the only flip-flops I have found that fits.  I am now walking without the boot but with a cane...and every evening there is a spell where I am walking around the house without the cane even.  I have some wonderful therapists that have got me this far.

And look!  The wound is almost entirely healed.  The wound care doctor thinks this coming Tuesday might be my last day to have to go to him.

Just want to post this while I have a minute...I hope all of you are having a good summer.  The heat and humidity here really gets to me.  But still happy to be walking, even if with a cane.