
Monday, April 22, 2019

A bit of a mix-up

We waited around all day and went down to our hospital to get the scan this evening and they had scheduled it for the main hospital in Terre Haute.  I had specifically ask for the one here, and she had said okay.  But when they gave me the time of the appt....I did not double check that they had scheduled for here.  It is now rescheduled for here for Thursday.  They kept apologizing down here, but as I told them, they had nothing to do with it.  I was so upset for a while...just wanted it over...wanted the stress of wait over with...wanted to have the rest of the week where we didn't have an appt to go to....  But it is just a bump on the highway of life...


I took Roger to have blood drawn today...I forget what all she is having checked but a lot.  Then took him to McDonald's...came home and  gathered up towels.  They look like a motley crew, don't they?  I have a hard time finding towels that I really like.  I bought two of the one in the middle but I don't like them, but Roger is fine with it, so always put one of them out for him.

Tomorrow is a new day.  I haven't made plans for it...but there are things I should do.  But I would love to go fishing for a while.  I have threw my line in a couple times but that is it.

That is it for now...I hope you have a good week ahead.