
Friday, May 3, 2019

A bit of this and that...

First of all, I just have to share my daughter's latest quilt top.  It still needs borders but that won't take long.  BTW, this is on a queen bed here.

This is her own design...she first started the one in the second photo in This post... but soon as she got this fabric, she couldn't wait to try it out.


Thought I would show you a pic of Puss Puss...I usually show Bubbie simply because he is easier to photograph.  She will seldom be still long enough.

Letters From the Dust Bowl by Caroline Henderson (the link takes you to Amazon where you can read about the book) is my current read.  It is good...consists mainly of letters she wrote to a friend and also to another farmer.  Interesting to read.  It shows what a hard time it was to live through the dust bowl.  It has always been one of those subjects that catches my attention.

We got the yard mowed again today.  It has been raining so much lately that it has been hard to find a time when it wasn't wet.  By the time it is done, I don't feel like doing anything else.