
Friday, May 17, 2019

Long time coming...The Eye of the Hurricane

This thing, this monstrosity, has sure taken its time in developing.  I named it The Eye of the Hurricane.   I cannot even remember when I made the first block.    But I started out thinking I would make enough to maybe make a baby quilt size.

The thing is I make them when I can't decide what else to make.  I make them when Roger is feeling bad.  I make them when I am cooking and have to keep an eye on things.  I make them just to make them.    As it is now, it is 63 inches by 72 inches.  120 blocks that finish at 6 inches square.  I do not know if I am adding a border or not.  I wanted a wider border at least 4 or 5 inches, but I wanted to use a twin batting I have and it is only 72 inches wide.  So I cannot have the wide border that I wanted.  So it may just stay like it is.  (You always want to have batting  a bit bigger than the quilt top.  So probably the widest border I could safely add is one maybe 3½ inches wide, and that would be cutting it close.  Closer than most people would risk.)

I thought maybe once I got the blocks all sewn together that I might like it, but I don't.  Not at all.  I am not sure what I don't like...maybe that it is too bland...I should have put a strip of yellow in it.  Or separated the blocks with a sashing.  Roger says it makes him dizzy to look at it.  He says it sure gives him the feeling of motion.

I had more to say but had a phone call and now I have forgot it hope you all have a great weekend.