
Friday, June 21, 2019

The fun continues.....

I spent the biggest part of yesterday afternoon and this afternoon in the basement....again....  I even mananged to find a few more empty boxes yesterday.  This will lead to a fun day of breaking down boxes in the future, but the time is not yet.

I also was working on some shelves down there.  I found this cigar box...

and a  bigger box that were full of old family photos from Roger's family...from his dad's side.  There are photos of his great-grandmother in both photos above.  She broke her finger, I don't know which one, but she was going to cut it off and Roger's mom put a stop to it and took her to the dr...she was going to cut it off because she didn't want it to heal and be stiff and crooked.

In the first photo, where she is wearing a long coat, that is a parrot on her arm.   Don't you know she had to really be a character..she lived in Montana at some point in her life...   Roger remembers her...she used to babysit him....and he remembers loving her so much.  And he said it about killed his dad when she died. 

Here she is again...Roger does not remember who the man is.  That girl on the left is his grandmother, and that is his Great Uncle Jack standing between his grandmother and the man.  I did know him...he was a little bitty guy and was a jockey when he was a young.    He did not talk about it....but had told Roger's dad that this or that jockey would come in and might find a roll of money in their locker with a note telling them to 'throw the race.'  He refused to do it, and he was beaten up pretty bad.  He quit and never raced again.  He lived in fear for his life for a long, long time...not even sure he ever got completely over it.

I thought this was Roger's dad, but Roger says it is his dad's brother.  And I guess I can see it...but was so hoping it was his dad cause his dad was a Quarter Horse jockey in the Terre Haute area.


I have no idea who this is, and neither does Roger.  I just had to show it because of how he is dressed....and holding all those birds.  Do you reckon he was dressed like that when hunting, or did he dress up for the photo?

I would be ashamed to tell you how much stuff I carried up out of the basement.  Some Roger took to the garbage cans for me, and other went to the garage to be donated.  A LOT of today's donation was books.  Some yesterday was books, but not near like today.  I even donated a few books that had been favorites of mine.  I figured the way they were packed away that I would never go to the trouble of hunting them out to read.   Still, I held on to more than I should have.  I wish I knew someone personal that would want them.

And guess what else I found?  An 'under the bed' storage thing FULL of VCR tapes of The Simply Quilts show that I used to tape when I worked.  I thought I had gotten rid of them, but I found out I had not.  Now they are gone!

I also have a stack of books started that were once Rachel's that she wants me to keep for her....and a couple cookbooks that she wants.  So, a bit is being done, but sure not fast enough for me.  I am just thankful I can work on it again. 


I am reading this...The Tall Woman by Wilma and The Far Family  got together...they happen to be two of my favorite books.

We just had a downpour of rain, but it seems to have passed on.  It thundered just a little bit...and moved on.