Wednesday, June 26, 2019
This photo is from 2011....just such a pretty, unique plant. I am not sure what it is, but thought some of you might enjoy seeing it.
I took Roger to a psychiatrist in Carmel, Indiana yesterday...that is approximately 100 miles away. To no avail...he did not think he could help him break this coughing. There are certain things that will always trigger his coughing. So it made me think it was maybe behavorial. But then some of the time, I can not spot a trigger...he just starts coughing. This dr. talked to him/us for a couple hours and said he did not think he could help him.
But he does want him to try a couple new an inhaler with steroids to try using for the cough itself. And a new med that is supposed to give new energy, and allow him to concentrate. He said there is nothing in it to ease pain, but that he always has people saying that it helped their pain. He wants to hear back from us on how it works. And to go back to our ENT if it helps...because it is much easier to go to the ENT, plus insurance covers the ENT.
I have spent the afternoon trying to get the yard is almost done. And I broke down all those boxes this morn and they are out for the garbage man to pick up tomorrow. I also went and picked up Lorelei...she is going to spend a night or two here.
I have not had time AND energy to touch anything that needs done inside...maybe I will get to that in the morn. Tomorrow is allergy shots for Roger.
I hope that you all have a good day tomorrow...
Edited to add:
Ruth has identified this flower as Larkspur...thank you so much Ruth!