Monday, August 12, 2019
Does anyone else associate yellow with autumn? Do you ever notice how so many flowers that bloom in the late summer/early fall are yellow.
The Goldenrod has been blooming here for a few weeks. It seems to me it has been early. This photo did come from the end of September in 2011. So maybe I am not imagining them being early.
Even though I am not anxious for winter, I am anxious for fall...for the roadsides to be alive with vibrant color. For cool mornings. I long for a walk in the see ginseng as it gets the golden glow of autumn with its bright red berries. I want to smell the earthy smell of the me it seems stronger in autumn months.
I long for a walk in woods that ends up on a gravel bar in a stream where we can build a fire and hang a piece of meat on a stick and let it sizzle over the open flame. I must admit I know of no place here that I could do that. Still I long for that experience once again.
I am trying to wait patiently for my washer. It is to be delivered and installed on Thursday afternoon. I want to thank each and every one of you for your input. I wish I had had time to wait for them all...but I knew I was going to have to wait a few days the best I could do. So I had to bite the bullet and order one.
I went with a top loader again...a Whirlpool. Before the dryer I have now, I had a Whirlpool and really liked it. So I hope I like the Whirlpool washer as well. I think I said before for every plus there is a negative...whether I went with front loader or top loader. So I just hope I can live with my choice. At least I won't have to wash by hand on a washboard or go to the laundry mat.
I made a pot of chili this afternoon...I like soup any time of year. And would gladly do a pot of some kind of soup weekly, but that would not do for Roger. He likes chili soup probably better than any. And might possibly eat a second time from this. And he will eat vegetable beef every now and then, but only one serving...only at one meal. However, I could live on soups just about all year long.
Do you have a favorite food that you like any time of year...any season?