
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Chickens, and a bit of this and that...

Just thought I would show you this girl...she belongs to Roger's cousin's wife...her name might be Goldie...but I am not sure.  There were a couple of these Buff Orpingtons, and I don't know which was which.

Here is this handsome fellow with one of the girls...but I cannot take my eyes off him.  His feathers are absolutely gorgeous.

As I looked for photos to post, I am listening to thunder and it is pouring rain.  There were severe storm warnings out but that is past us for now.  I sat on the porch and listened and watched for a bit.  Even the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind has a fall sound to them. 

And don't you love that smell of the dust settling when it first begins to rain? 

Someone told me to watch Vera and I am sorry that I don't remember who told me.  I would like to thank them.  I am really enjoying the series.  It keeps one guessing till the very end, much as Shetland did.

I hope you all had a good weekend...and have a good week ahead.