
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Do you ever...

Lorelei went to spend some time with her favorite aunt.  Delta loves her, but right now she is wanting her attention, wanting a skittle I believe.  What is funny, when Lorelei is around, Delta stays by her.  I don't know if it held true this time, but she usually stays by her till she gets up.  I told my daughter, Delta would go bonkers over a baby.

When we are there, she barks at people walking by....but I feel like I can tell a difference in her bark when this one woman walks by with her baby in a stroller.
Do you ever have a day you have so much to say, but no time to say it in?  Then when you get time, you can't get in the mood to say anything...nor remember what all you wanted to talk about before.

The other day was one of those days when I was busy.  I cannot remember what all I did...the one thing was a file cabinet came that I had ordered from Amazon.  When I opened it, several pieces had bent about disheartening.  I did contact the seller right away.  At first I was seriously thinking I would return it.  Partly because of all the 'damage' and partly because the instructions were not good... all on one page back and front.  They would have been fine if the sketches were not so small, but was so hard to see.  And it was only words.  Which photos are what I need anyway...but they were such a struggle to see...I just had to guess at the details.

I ended up leaving a piece out....thankfully it was unimportant to me and did not bother me, but would have been bad if I was planning on locking it.  That part was all bent and kinked around...not sure how good I would have been at getting it back in shape to use anyway. 

So, the vendor had contacted me and asked if I wanted to return or replace it.  I had mulled it over in my mind, and thought I would just see if I could make it work.  So I told him we were going to work with what we had...but I did send him pics...the next day  he gave me a 20% discount on it.  Which was nice...he didn't have to.

Yesterday and today, I have been about worthless as a human being.  Other than light cooking and dishes, I did not accomplish two cents worth of anything.  Maybe a load or two of clothes.

I did get the checkbook balanced the other night, but that is not much of a job.  But it is one I do not like to let ride, and our bank is updating or redoing things and I was about two weeks late getting the statement.  I think I am one of the few people that actually go to the trouble of doing that, but I have had a bank make a fairly big mistake before so have just always set down and actually balance it since then.
I have been reading a bit off and on.

I finished The Far Family by Wilma is a stand alone book but has characters from The Tall Woman.

I also read Grass of the Earth by Aagot Raaen one more time.  It is one of those books that I have a hard copy, and also one on my kindle.  I never remove it from my kindle.

Right now I am ready Small Town by Gloria was a freebie.  It has been a pretty good read so far.

I just spent time looking at the library.  Right now I am listening to A Land More Kind than Home by Wiley Cash...but I want something to look forward to once it is done.  One I got that I think will be next is Wesley the Owl: The Remarkable story of an Owl and His Girl by Stacy O'Brien.  It just sounds like a good light but heartwarming book to listen to.

I was real surprised to wake up and look out and see a light frost this morning.  I don't know why, but I sure did not expect it.  I had finally turned the AC off last night, and this afternoon I had to kick the heat on and let the furnace run two or three times just to take the chill off.  I turned it off again for now.

I best get off to do a couple little jobs before bed....I hope you are having a nice weekend...