
Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all....whether you are a friend in real life, or one of my fellow bloggers. Thank you to all who took the time to leave comments. I really appreciate them...

Christmas was spent with our girls...who can ask for more than getting to spend time with family in the times we live in.

My one and only actual puzzle finish this winter.

What is bad is even with it setting over there to work, I still wanted to work jigsaw puzzles on line.  What is your favorite place to work puzzles on line.  Right now mine is Jigsaw Planet.  The positive thing about it is that I can choose the number of pieces.  The negative thing that dislike about it is I cannot set just a plain white background.  Or a plain background of any kind...they are textured, no matter what color is chosen.  

I have also tried Jigidy and I like it...and there is another I used to use, but cannot remember the name of it.  So, if you have tried a site and really like it, leave a comment.

I took the Christmas tree down the day after Christmas.  Soon as we came home, I unpacked our bags, and started on the tree.  I left out my Christmas stocking...and my nativity set and a little Santa Claus.  I did put up the stocking and the Santa but still have the nativity set out.  I usually leave it out for about a month afterward but not sure I will this year.


I finally got some tatting needles.  I have not played with it since we came home from the girls.  This was a result of the second time playing with it.   I just got the needles a few days before Christmas and played with it every night for a few minutes.  I got a book to teach how, and forgot and left it over there.  I am not sure it would be any help or not...the little bit I have learned how to do so far has been from watching videos.  I like the idea of it because It does not take up much space to take with me.

I have only did one little sewing job since being home...Lorelei had received a hoodie for Christmas.  She does not like the cuffs or the bands around the bottom so she wanted me to take them off.  I did do that in a day or two after getting home, and I used my rotary cutter and ruler to cut the edges even.  Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and hemmed the edges.   I am always a bit anxious when doing something to someone else's clothes.  I always experiment with stitches when sewing anything new, specially knits.  All I had to experiment on was a tiny, tiny scrap from straightening the edges from taking the band off the bottom.  But I sure was glad I had that.

I think/hope we have dodged a bullet.  We were supposed to get snow and ice.  We had a thin coating of ice at 4:30 a.m.  but the rain started later rather than snow.  It is wet, wet, wet...but the ice is gone.  I am thankful for that.  I have to take the Rav4 to get shocks in the morning.  I don't have far to go to take it in...but still I am very cautious about ice and snow.

I just feel like I don't have a thing to say.  But it had been so long since I posted, I thought I should post something.