
Friday, October 22, 2021

This and that...



These are gone now...but we sure enjoyed them once they started blooming.  This does not do the color justice.

This is another rose on one of my daughter's rose bushes...we were over there this week to get in the mail and check on the kitty and it still has a lot of blooms on it.  I have never tried to raise roses, and not sure why because I do like them.  I think subconsciously I am afraid of failing at it.


I finished quilting my quilt but have to trim it and get the binding on it.  I hope I can work on that this weekend.  It was so rainy and dark and dreary it was rather easy to go to the basement to work on it.  When it is sunny out, it is hard for me to make myself go down there.  I am okay once I am down there on those is just the getting there.

Roger had his stress test yesterday, but we have not heard the results.  I think that will come in the middle of next week.  I am praying that nothing comes of it.  He had a super headache afterwards.  But he had not had any caffeine in over 14 hours.  Anyway, so glad it is over with.  


I did vacuum this day and mopped...did a load of laundry.  And not much else other than doing the quilting.  I had leftovers for supper.  I still would like to go into my sewing room and work but we always sit and watch a couple game shows and a few other things every evening/night.

I got the little funny below from somone's blog, but I don't remember who.  I thought it funny and so true of some of us.  We like growing things better than money or status.  There is just so much more satisfaction from it.