
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

By way of the strip pits...

I had to run to Walmart the other day...and needed some grocery items.  I decided to go to Super Walmart, since our little walmart does not have much in the grocery I ran through the strip pits.  Much to my surprise the Snow Geese are still coming and going.  And of course there were a few swans.

I thought I would show you a bit of the excitement.  The numbers are almost unbelievable.  I think there was more that day than when I went trough the other day.  And as I came home from Walmart about an hour or so later there were even more but I could not stop because of freezer items I had.

So, I am letting the photos and the video do the talking.  The video is not good quality but you can get the feel and the sound.  Even above the way the wind hits the microphone.